Hide empty columns in responsive datatables
Hide empty columns in responsive datatables
It took me several hours to hide empty columns in responsive datatables. I hope this will help others do it more quickly.
First of all thanks to elpaisa who posted the basis of my code few years ago. I just updated the code in the post with some new API-Methods and added support for the Responsive extension.
* check all cells of given datatable and hide each column containing only empty cells
* ATTENTION: this will only work if responsive-property in datatables is set to true
function hideEmptyColumns(selector) {
var emptyColumnsIndexes = []; // store index of empty columns here
// check each column separately for empty cells
$(selector).find('th').each(function(i) {
// get all cells for current column
var cells = $(this).parents('table').find('tr td:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')');
var emptyCells = 0;
cells.each(function(cell) {
// increase emptyCells if current cell is empty, trim string to remove possible spaces in cell
if ($(this).html().trim() === '') {
// if all cells are empty push current column to emptyColumns
if (emptyCells === $(cells).length) {
// only make changes if there are columns to hide
if (emptyColumnsIndexes.length > 0) {
/* add class never to all empty columns
never is a special class of the Responsive extension:
Columns with class never will never be visible, regardless of the browser width, and the data will not be shown in a child row
// Recalculate the column breakpoints based on the class information of the column header cells, class never will now be available to Responsive extension
// immediatly call recalc to have Responsive extension updae the display for the cahnge in classes
This is how the funtion is called:
// ensure responsive is set to true otherwise the recalcuclation of the responsive options won't work
responsive: true,
initComplete: function (oSettings, json) {
// hide empty columns
Applying documentation to my Code:
* https://datatables.net/extensions/responsive/classes#Special-classes
* https://datatables.net/reference/api/responsive.rebuild()
First of all i tried to hide the empty columns with columns().visible(false)
. But there was one problem with this solution.
Following points have to apply to make the problem occur:
* The browser width is to small so initially there are collapsed columns (displayed as childrows)
* all of the collapsed columns are empty and are hidden by using columns().visible(false)
In that case the +
sign to expand childrows still appears and won't disappear with a simple columns.adjust().draw()
Thank you so much for this! Implemented on a project I'm working on, worked perfectly.