Loading thead+ tbody by ajax + json
Loading thead+ tbody by ajax + json
**Hi sorry something went wrong i posted this question 2 times, the other one can be deleted maybe? **
Hi Guys,
I really like all the options DataTables offer, but i have an problem:
The following works: (loads my datatable with json which contains table header names + data for in tbody):
"url": 'java/medewerkers.json',
"dataType": 'json',
"success": function (json) {
var table = $('#customersTbl').DataTable(json);
// json:
"columns": [
"title": "Firstname",
"data": "employee_name"
"data": [
"id": "cb0_1034400",
"employee_name": "Ha",
"employee_firstnames": "Har",
"employee_surname": "Bos",
"employee_gender": "m",
"employee_mobile": "06 53",
"employee_emailaddress": "h@g.com"
But when i want to add this to my live project which contains alot of parameters and settings in the datatable like so:
function toDataTable(json) {
var table = $('#customersTbl').DataTable({
data: json,
buttons: [
extend: 'colvis',
text: '<i class="fa fa-wrench"></i>',
init: function (api, node, config) {
or something like:
var table = $('#customersTbl').DataTable({
"ajax": {
"url": "path/path.json",
dataSrc:'tried every way mentioned on the website.'
buttons: [
extend: 'colvis',
text: '<i class="fa fa-wrench"></i>',
init: function (api, node, config) {
It just doesn't work, tried everything i could find or come up with.. I only get the following error:
VM817 jquery.dataTables.min.js:66 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'aDataSort' of undefined.
I tried every suggestion on the website. Put the ajax function in the datatable func.
With or without on succes. with type: json etc etc tried everything.
Any suggestion guys?
I could not find this in any documentation but this seems to work guys:
Yes - its in the FAQs .
oke well not easy to find in any documentation tho..
Anyway glad it works ! hope others can use this topic to find out how it works.
Just one more problem, sorting the columns doesn't seem to work.
Any suggestions? i have not been able to find the cause.
I would need a link to the page showing the issue please so it can be debugged.
Hmmm what would you like to see?
I got the JS file which i'm experimenting with uploaded to pastebin:
the html is just a default table with an empty row in the thead and the following classes: table table-striped table-bordered table-hover
Everything works as expected, just the col-reorder gives the error mentioned above.
I found "live.datatables" and reproduced my problem there:
edit this is the right version: http://live.datatables.net/jopayega/2/edit
maybe thats easier to debugg?
Thanks in advance.
Your example seems to work. I made a couple changes to show the column search seems to be working:
Updated example here:
Sorry i didn't mean sort but "col reorder"
When you reorder the cols you get an error in console. mentioned above.
Excuse me.
Please also tell me if you can't find whats wrong. then i know its not just me hehe
Your test case does show the issue. I'm not sure what the issue is. @allan or @colin would need to take a look.
Oke thanks for your time!
It's something to do with the footer - this modified example here, with the footer removed and the columns added, works as expected. Once you put the footer back in, you get the error on column reordering. Over to @allan ...
How odd! It doesn't like the fact that the cells in the footer are empty. Putting a text node in them allows it to work as expected.
Here we go. DataTables doesn't like the empty
elements. It doesn't inspect them to see if they have content or not (and then create it if not). It just assumes that if there is atr
then it is correct for the table and no extra columns need to be added.Allan
Thank you verry much !!!
Not sure how you found out lol, but you deff made my day.