Custom Scroller for Datatables - Perfect Scroller
Custom Scroller for Datatables - Perfect Scroller
Hello All !
Just want to share this with you all and ask you could help me test it !
I used the plugin Perfect Scrollbar with Datatables and the result was... INCREDIBLE !!!!
The result :
Here is the plugin page:
Please test it and give feedback here ! Thank you !
Here is my table code:
```// begin first table
var grid = $('#gTable').DataTable({
ajax: url,
responsive: !0,
deferRender: !0,
scrollY: "500px",
scrollCollapse: !0,
scroller: !0,
"fnInitComplete": function () {
const ps = new PerfectScrollbar('.dataTables_scrollBody');
//on paginition page 2,3.. often scroll shown, so reset it and assign it again
"fnDrawCallback": function (oSettings) {
const ps = new PerfectScrollbar('.dataTables_scrollBody');
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