Sorting on date (DD MM YYYY) not working as described in documentation
Sorting on date (DD MM YYYY) not working as described in documentation
He guys,
I tried everything to sort my date colomn in datatables.. even the old pluging that are not supported anymore + offcourse the current plugin + documentation.
The current documentation says just to add the following line to your doc.ready:
$.fn.dataTable.moment( MM DD YYYY' );
// OR:
$.fn.dataTable.moment( MM-DD-YYYY' );
After this just init the dataTable() and that should do the trick.
Correct me if i'm wrong... but it doesn't work. My date colomn still get sorted on day of the month first.
Thanks in advance.
Hi guys i tried to delete this topic, didn't work out.
The issue was the following:
there was 1 row with an invalid date...