ColReorder with Buttons column visibility bug
ColReorder with Buttons column visibility bug

The latest DataTables 1.10.18, Buttons 1.5.2 and ColReorder 1.5.0 got a new bug (previously it was fine with DataTables 1.10.16, Buttons 1.4.2 and ColReorder 1.4.1) that occurs when the DataTables got a column that is hidden from column visibility list (can't be hidden) and the columns are reordered. That hidden column is immediately visible in column visibility list (can be hidden) instead proper column (so the proper column is missing in the column visibility list and can't be hidden).
Hi @hubo ,
Yep, I can reproduce that, thanks for letting us know. I'll report back when we've had a chance to look at it,
Finally fixed it here. It will be in the next Buttons release.
Buttons visibility bug in 1.5.4 is gone, but another bug comes. When you change order of columns, the postfixButtons are not properly placed in Buttons menu and can cause other problems as wrong state of buttons and so on. It can be reproduced here. Move "Name" column to the end and then click "Restore defaults" button.
Thanks! I've added it to our bug tracker. I've just had a little look, but I fear that might not be an easy one to fix.