Use Jquery on a datable that is created from an Ajax call

Use Jquery on a datable that is created from an Ajax call

growlingfleagrowlingflea Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have a datatable that is getting its data from an ajax call. I want to change the css on certain cells based on the value (YES, NO, BLANK) on cells of a certain class. Here is part of my table:


            dom: 'Bfrtip',
            buttons: [
                'copy', 'excel', 'pdf'
            ajax:{ type: "POST",
                url: "../../library/ajax/sms_notification_log_report_ajax.php",
                data: {
                    to_date:   "<?php echo $form_to_date; ?>",
                    from_date:" <?php echo $form_from_date; ?> "
                { 'data': 'iLogId'  ,   },
                { 'data': 'lastUpdate', },
                { 'data': 'pid'        },
                { 'data': 'eventDate'       },
                { 'data': 'full_name'},
                { 'data': 'phone_cell'},
                    { className: "hipaa_allowsms", 'data': 'hipaa_allowsms'},
                { 'data': 'ptSMS'},
                { 'data': 'relation1sms'},
                { 'data': 'relation2sms'},
                { 'data': 'relation3sms'},
                { 'data': 'relation4sms'},
                { 'data': 'teenConfidential'},
                { 'data': 'message'},
                { 'data': 'sentTo'},
                { 'data': 'dSentDateTime'},
                { 'data': 'alert_error_class'}

            "iDisplayLength": 100,
            "retrieve" : true

Before I started using Datables, I used a table and the following script accomplished what I wanted to do


     $("#sms_log_table tr").each(function() {

                //color code the contact permissions

                    var hipaa_allowsms = $(this).text().replace(/\s/g, "");
                    if(hipaa_allowsms === "YES"){
                        $(this).css('color', 'green');

                    }else if (hipaa_allowsms === "NO") {
                        $(this).css('color', 'red');

                        $(this).text("X").css('color', 'rgb(219, 84, 17)');


Basically, I want to iterate through each row and each cell of a particular class, and change the color of the text based on the value of the cell. Thanks for advice!!


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,662Questions: 26Answers: 5,014

    Sounds like you want the columns.createdCell option. But you could also try createdRow or drawCallback.


  • growlingfleagrowlingflea Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
    edited September 2018

    It looks like the drawCallback option might be helpful. I'm going to take a stab at it and report back. Thanks for the advice.

  • growlingfleagrowlingflea Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Its been a while since I've logged in but I was able to do the following. I'll post all my code so people needing help can see what I did.

    `$(document).ready(function() {

            var oTable;
                dom: 'Bfrtip',
                autoWidth: false,
                scrollY: false,
                fixedHeader: true,
                buttons: [
                    'copy', 'excel', 'pdf', 'csv'
                ajax:{ type: "POST",
                    url: "../../library/ajax/sms_notification_log_report_ajax.php",
                    data: {
                        to_date:   "<?php echo $form_to_date; ?>",
                        from_date:" <?php echo $form_from_date; ?> "
                    { 'data': 'iLogId'},
                    { 'data': 'lastUpdate' },
                    { 'data': 'pid'        },
                    { 'data': 'eventDate'       },
                    { 'data': 'pc_title'       },
                    { 'data': 'full_name'},
                    { 'data': 'phone_cell'},
                    { class: "hipaa_allowsms", 'data': 'hipaa_allowsms'},
                    { 'data': 'ptSMS', 'width' : '1px'},
                    { 'data': 'relation1sms' },
                    { 'data': 'relation2sms'},
                    { 'data': 'relation3sms'},
                    { 'data': 'relation4sms' },
                    { 'data': 'to_number', visible:false},
                    { 'data': 'dSentDateTime'},
                    { 'data': 'alert_error_class'},
                    { 'data' :'pc_sendalertsms', 'visible' : false},
                    { 'data' :'smsResponse', 'visible' : false}
                "columnDefs": [
                    {className: "compact details-control", "targets": [ 0 ] },
                    { className: "details-control", targets: "_all" },
                    //These are the hipaa permission columns
                    "targets": [7,8,9,10,11,12],
                    "createdCell": function (td, cellData, rowData, row, col) {
                        if (cellData === "NO"){
                            $(td).text("N").css('color', 'rgb(219, 84, 17)');
                            $(td).css('color', 'red');
                        }else if(cellData === "YES"){
                            $(td).text("Y").css('color', 'rgb(219, 84, 17)');
                            $(td).css('color', 'green');
                            $(td).text("X").css('color', 'rgb(219, 84, 17)');
                        $(td).css('padding', '10px');
                        //AlertSent Status
                        "targets": [17],
                        "createdCell": function (td, cellData, rowData, row, col) {
                            if(cellData === "NO"){
                                $(td).parent().css( "background-color", "rgb(174,158,158)" );
                "rowCallback": function( row, data ) {
                    if(data['pc_sendalertsms'] === "NO"){
                        $(row).css( "background-color", 'rgb(174,158,158)' );
                    if(data['to_number'] === "Confidential"){
                        $(row).css( "background-color", 'rgb(253,253,153)' );
                    //This handles the response.
                    var dataArray = data['smsResponse'];
                    //smsResponse is an array
                    if(dataArray.length > 0){
                        $(row).css( "font-weight" , "bold" );
                    if(data['alert_error_class'] == "error"){
                        $(row).css( "background-color", 'rgb(255,107,107)' );
                "iDisplayLength": 100,
                "retrieve" : true


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