Spring datatables problem when i use innerJoin
Spring datatables problem when i use innerJoin
this is sql generated by jpa spring datattables plugin
transactio0_.transactionid as transact1_26_,
transactio0_.created_by as created_2_26_,
transactio0_.creation_date as creation3_26_,
transactio0_.last_modified_by as last_mod4_26_,
transactio0_.last_modified_date as last_mod5_26_,
transactio0_.accountid as account16_26_,
transactio0_.collection_amount as collecti6_26_,
transactio0_.account_from_number as account_7_26_,
transactio0_.account_to_number as account_8_26_,
transactio0_.exchange_from as exchang17_26_,
transactio0_.exchange_to as exchang18_26_,
transactio0_.payment_date as payment_9_26_,
transactio0_.processing_date as process10_26_,
transactio0_.order_status as order_s11_26_,
transactio0_.payment_amount as payment12_26_,
transactio0_.payment_method as payment13_26_,
transactio0_.payment_status as payment14_26_,
transactio0_.transaction_type as transac15_26_
transaction transactio0_ cross
operation_type_locale operationt1_ cross
operation_type_locale operationt2_
lower(cast(transactio0_.transactionid as char)) like ? escape ?
or lower(cast(transactio0_.creation_date as char)) like ? escape ?
or lower(cast(transactio0_.payment_amount as char)) like ? escape ?
or lower(cast(transactio0_.collection_amount as char)) like ? escape ?
or lower(cast(transactio0_.payment_method as char)) like ? escape ?
or lower(cast(transactio0_.transaction_type as char)) like ? escape ?
or lower(cast(transactio0_.payment_status as char)) like ? escape ?
or lower(cast(transactio0_.order_status as char)) like ? escape ?
and transactio0_.accountid=?
and transactio0_.payment_status=operationt2_.latin
and operationt2_.locale=?
** and (
lower(operationt1_.localized) like ? escape ?
) **
order by
transactio0_.transactionid asc limit ?
when i use global serach with additional specification with spring datatables
Page<T> data = findAll(
add additional specification with AND Clause, causes problem ,when i want to use LIKE on join tables.
it's added by AND cluase not OR clause
** and (
lower(operationt1_.localized) like ? escape ?
) **
my question is how can i add additional specification For LIKE cluase with joined table?
for example
Page<T> data = findAll(
please help me????
You'd need to talk to the authors of that library. We don't write and publish the Spring plug-in for DataTables I'm afraid. It looks like there might be an error in how the SQL is being built, but that really would be one for them.