stick_in_parent is not a function TypeError: $(...).stick_in_parent is not a function

stick_in_parent is not a function TypeError: $(...).stick_in_parent is not a function

jamujamu Posts: 20Questions: 11Answers: 0
edited September 2018 in Free community support

if i add the following script
i got the following error

jquery-3.3.1.js:3818 jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).stick_in_parent is not a function TypeError: $(...).stick_in_parent is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (http://smartserver/ternx/js/custom.min.js:1:1331)
    at mightThrow (
    at process ( undefined
jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook @ jquery-3.3.1.js:3818
jquery-3.3.1.js:3818 jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).daterangepicker is not a function TypeError: $(...).daterangepicker is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (http://smartserver/ternx/main/quoteAdd.php:1269:42)
    at mightThrow (
    at process ( undefined
jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook @ jquery-3.3.1.js:3818
jquery-3.3.1.js:3827 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).stick_in_parent is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (custom.min.js:1)
    at mightThrow (jquery-3.3.1.js:3534)
    at process (jquery-3.3.1.js:3602)
jquery-3.3.1.js:3827 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).daterangepicker is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (quoteAdd.php:1269)
    at mightThrow (jquery-3.3.1.js:3534)
    at process (jquery-3.3.1.js:3602)


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