Button Colvis doesn't work in modal

Button Colvis doesn't work in modal

zexxarzexxar Posts: 9Questions: 4Answers: 0


I found a problem with the Colvis Button when it is used in a datatable that is rendered in a modal.

The problem is that when you click on the "Column" button the popover with the column names opens like it should, but you are unable to click on any of the column names because it just closes the popover.

Here I craeted a fiddle with a 2 datatables one jsut in the body and another one in a modal. Here you can see that in the body the Column button works normal but in the modal the problem appears, although the content and configuration is exactly the same. https://jsfiddle.net/zexxar/n2bpf8v9/13/

Is there already a solution for this because I couldn't find one, otherwise can somebody help ?

Thanks in advance

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