search after update data in one column
search after update data in one column
hey, I am a newbie in DT and I have a problem which I can't find an answer anywhere.
1. I have a table store system parameters for several machines. there is a checkbox control show/hide one of column( machine info). the last column shows if there is a difference among all the machine for each parameter.
2. the thing is I have three same checkboxes. so I have to use rowcallback to change the value of last column to show the difference.
3. then, I have another checkbox to choose show/not show only those rows with different value. this control based on the last column, if the value in last column is Yes, which means there is a difference in the row, I need to show the row; otherwise I should hide the row. I use'Yes').draw().
4. however, this search thing can't be update with rowcallback record. it always show me rows with 'Yes' when loaded. whatever I change the visibility of some specific columns, it always show me same result.
function loadGucTable() {
var table_name = "guc-table"
$.getJSON(RUN_GUC_CONFIG_QUERY_URL, function(result_data) {
columns = getTableColumns(result_data[0])
QA_COLUMN = columns.length - 3;
DEVO_COLUMN = columns.length - 2;
INTEG_COLUMN = columns.length - 1;
// Last column is used to store if this row has different GUC values and is made hidden.
columns.push({ "title" : "Different", "visible": true});
// Ignores first row since it has field names
updated_data = updateGucTableWithDiffColumn(result_data.slice(1));
table = $('#' + table_name).DataTable( {
"dom": 'l <"toolbar"> frtip',
"data": updated_data,
"columns": columns,
"stateSave": true,
"pageLength": 100,
"ordering": true,
"searchPane": true,
"rowCallback": function(row, data, index) {
//Derive the "Difference" column value based on cell values that is visible for this row
var col = 1;
var first_value = data[col];
$("td:eq(-1)", row).text("No");
while(col < data.length - 1) {
// Resetting highlight in this cell so that we can highlight if necessary based on
// current visible data
$('td', row).eq(col).removeClass(HIGHLIGHT_CSS_CLASSES.join(" "));
if(data[col] != first_value && !hidden_columns.includes(col)) {
$("td:eq(-1)", row).text("Yes");
// $('td', row).eq(data.length - 1).text(data[data.length - 1]);
// Getting the data after removing hidden values
var data_without_hidden_col_values = data.slice(0, data.length);
hidden_columns.forEach(function(hidden_col) {
data_without_hidden_col_values.splice(hidden_col, 1);
unique_values_without_hidden_col = unique(data_without_hidden_col_values);
// For rows which has "Yes" value in last column, highlight different text with different colors.
if($("td:eq(-1)", row).text() == "Yes") {
// Find unique values in that row so that each of values can be highlighted in different color.
col = 1;
while(col < data_without_hidden_col_values.length - 1) {
index = unique_values_without_hidden_col.findIndex(element => element == data_without_hidden_col_values[col])
$('td', row).eq(col).addClass(HIGHLIGHT_CSS_CLASSES[index]);
function addShowDiffRowsCheckbox(table) {
var column = table.column(-1);
var checkbox = $('<input type="checkbox" id="show-highlighted"> Show rows with different GUC values </input>')
.appendTo( $('div.toolbar') )
.on( 'change', function () {
if($(this).is(':checked')) {"Yes").draw();
} else {'').draw();
Hi @kfying ,
There's a lot going on in that code. We're happy to take a look, but it would help, as per the forum rules, if you could link to a running test case showing the issue so we can offer some help. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.