Is there any a way to style a cell in excel background yellow and alignment center at the same time.

Is there any a way to style a cell in excel background yellow and alignment center at the same time.

danishfarhajdanishfarhaj Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited October 2018 in Free community support

I'm trying to assign multiple styles at the same time to my columns of datatables.

if i try to give it some background color it works perfect

$('row:nth-child(2) c[r^="A"]:first', sheet).attr( 's', '16' );

But after this line i tried to centralizer the content of cell

$('row:nth-child(2) c[r^="A"]:first', sheet).attr( 's', '6' );

it centralizer cell and remove background. It's overwriting the styling.
Is there a way to apply both at the same time.


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