How do I set the scroll of the overflow data of the table floating including the pagination button

How do I set the scroll of the overflow data of the table floating including the pagination button

okayeeokayee Posts: 22Questions: 6Answers: 0

I have a huge size of table and I want to have a scroll bar floating inside my table so I dont able to go in the bottom of the table in able to see the scroll bar.


  • vaishnavkokavaishnavkoka Posts: 132Questions: 23Answers: 1
    edited October 2018
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#example').DataTable( {
          //here example is the table id
            "scrollY":        "200px",
            //scrolly refers to vertical scroll bar and scrollx refers to horizontal scroll bar 
            //by default based on the pixel here you would get both depending on your screen size
            "scrollCollapse": false,
            "paging":         true
        } );
    } );

    You can try this, let me know if you still face an issue


    Edited by Allan - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.

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