Search and navigation elements displayed incorrectly

Search and navigation elements displayed incorrectly

Mike VictorMike Victor Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited June 2011 in DataTables 1.8
I'm having an issue with the search and navigation elements not being rendered like they are in all the example tables I've seen, but rather they are all jammed to the left. The search box below the display xx records select, and likewise the navigation (next/previous) showing up below the record count.

I have turned off both the themeroller theme and main site css, but neither has an effect on the positioning. Data source for the table is from the DOM.

Any ideas where to look next?

btw the functionality is impressive, I just want to clean up the presentation so it looks as slick as the examples :)


  • Mike VictorMike Victor Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Forgot to mention: the columns in the table do not span the width that the search header and navigation footer do, but are also shifted to the left, even though there is plenty of space.
  • allanallan Posts: 63,678Questions: 1Answers: 10,497 Site admin
    Presumably your HTML page isn't including the demo CSS files? Or the jQUery UI theme files or something like that. Does that sound about right?

  • Mike VictorMike Victor Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thanks for your response. The only relevant css file I am including are:
    jquery-ui-1.8.13.custom.css (the theme file)

    along with the js files:

    Were the Demo files intended to be included? I thought they were akin to the developer-bundle from jui, for developer reference.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,678Questions: 1Answers: 10,497 Site admin
    Well they have the default DataTables styles in them - so if you are looking to get the same effect as the examples, it would be worth including the demo_table_jui.css file :-)

  • Mike VictorMike Victor Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thank you for clearing that up. I didn't see the demo* files mentioned anywhere when I searched here for installation instructions.

    I'll try to be less n00b-ish in the future ;)
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