ajax.reload() and .clear() Not Working

ajax.reload() and .clear() Not Working

sjmcartersjmcarter Posts: 5Questions: 2Answers: 0

I have a tab section created with bootstrap 3. For one of the tabs, the tab content is a datatable. The data is generated server side and works fine on initial load. However, I am trying to use ajax.reload() inside of an onchange function, and the data is not refreshing. I also tried using the clear() method, but the data doesn't get cleared. I have verified that the function is firing and that the AJAX response being returned is valid JSON and not empty. There are no errors in my console, just nothing happens.

I am using using Datatables 1.10 and the source is directly from a cdn (https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js).

I have searched StackOverflow and the Datatbles forum for this problem. other people have had it, and the accepted solution seems to be $('#TableID').DataTable().ajax.reload(), which I am doing. I have also tried storing the datatables into var table and trying table.ajax.reload(), and also passing in a callback function and explicitly setting page refresh to true. I get logging back from the callback function, and no errors still, yet no change.


<div id="tab_datatable" class="tab-pane fade">          
    <table id="example" class="display" style="width:100%">

My js code creating the table on the initial load, which works fine:

$( document ).ready(function() {
    var $table = $('#example').DataTable({
    scrollCollapse: false,
    paging: true,
    pagingType: 'simple_numbers',
    lengthMenu: [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, 'All']],
    processing: true,
    serverSide: true,
    ajax: {
        url: myURL,
        data: {
            campus: $campus.val(),
            college: $college.val(),
            year: $term.val(),
            draw: parseInt(1),
            length: (10),
            start: parseInt(1)
    searching: false,
    info: false,


The table renders properly in the "example" div.

I have an updatePage() function that fires when one of the three menus options on the page changes. I see the console log message from the test() function below. I am also monitoring the network calls in my console and when one of the menu values changes I do see that a new AJAX call is triggered and the correct data is being returned. So the problem really just seems to be that the table is not rendering properly after ajax.reload().

$(document).on('change', '.dynamic', function(){

//Updates dynamic content on page
function updatePage()
    sesssionStateStorage('campus', $campus.val());
    sesssionStateStorage('college', $college.val());
    sesssionStateStorage('term', $term.val());

    console.log($term.val()); //confirming that value is updating

    //Refresh datatable
    console.log($table);  //Shows table object so I know it exists

   //$table.clear();   //This does't work;  no errors but no change
   //$table.ajax.reload() //doesn't work; no errors but no change
   //$('#example').DataTable().ajax.reload();  //doesn't work; no errors but no change
    $('#example').DataTable().ajax.reload(test(), true);  //Confirming that I see test logging from test() function, but data still doesn't update


function test()
   console.log('in test');
   console.log('table object: ' + $table)

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,213Questions: 26Answers: 4,928
    edited October 2018 Answer ✓

    When using clear() you also need to use draw() as shown in the clear() example.

    The only thing I can see that might be a problem is with the draw parameter of your ajax.data option:

        ajax: {
            url: myURL,
            data: {
                campus: $campus.val(),
                college: $college.val(),
                year: $term.val(),
                draw: parseInt(1),  //always setting to 1
                length: (10),
                start: parseInt(1)

    This is used as a sequence number by Datatables. I believe the first request Datatables will send a draw parameter of 1. The next draw it will send 2. Looks like with ajax.reload() the draw parameter is incremented. You can see this behavior in this example:

    You are hard coding the draw parameter sent to 1. I suspect the response after the ajax.reload() is 1 but Datatables is expecting 2 or whatever draw sequence it is at. The expected sequence is less than the response so Datatables doesn't update the table.

    Try removing this parameter from your ajax.data option.


  • sjmcartersjmcarter Posts: 5Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Thanks. I accidentally clicked to accept answer. Not saying it's wrong--I'm in the middle of testing. I'll update this tomorrow after I have poked around a little more. I appreciate the help!

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