Which Events Fire First.
Which Events Fire First.
I'm attempting to write a plugin for managing server side saved views.
I initialize this plugin.
with the following code.
$(document).on( 'preInit.dt.viewManager', function (e, settings) {
if ( e.namespace !== 'dt' ) {
var init = settings.oInit.viewManager;
var defaults = DataTable.defaults.viewManager;
if ( init || defaults ) {
var config = $.extend( {}, init, defaults );
if ( init !== false ) {
new viewManager( settings, config );
} );
Then during construction I add an event listener for stateLoadparams
// If during configuration we've been passed a new view to load lets set that in the dataTables State.
dt.on( 'stateLoadParams.dt.viewManager', function (event, settings, data) {
data = that.c.viewToLoad;
that.s.filters.currentFilter = that.c.viewToLoad.viewManager.currentFilter;
} );
But it appears this event never gets fired.
either that or it gets fired before preInit? is there anywhere that i can find an order of these event call backs?
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have you a test case that i can make any test and look into the code. there is a good practice bring a live example for this. ... waiting for your response.
I can present a test case but will need to strip out server side methods. Was hoping it would be a quick answer but will gladly provide a test case. Will post one soon
The effort is worth