Use TAB to submit and move to next cell DataTable Editor | Tab to submit | Use tab to submit inline
Use TAB to submit and move to next cell DataTable Editor | Tab to submit | Use tab to submit inline
Hi guys!
Here is the scenario:
1. Use wants to use inline Editor
2. User wants to use TAB key to move around the table
3. User wants to submit data edited in the cell via TAB key.
file: js/tables.yourprojectname.js
// when tab key is pressed
$('#yourtablename').on( 'keydown', 'tbody', function (e) {
if(e.which == 9) { //TAB key
e.preventDefault(); //Reset browser default; to preven TAB to select items outside your table.
var $input = $('form input');
$input.eq( $input.index( this ) + 1 ).focus(); //Moving to next cell
} );
Hope this help!
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