Defining thousands and decimal in separate language file causes incorrect sorting
Defining thousands and decimal in separate language file causes incorrect sorting
Hi everyone.
I have a project where I format my cells according to the danish format, which is .
for thousands and ,
for decimals (Example: 1.265,95 observations per month)
Since I use DataTables on multiple pages, I've created a language file for danish:
"thousands": ".",
"decimal": ",",
"sProcessing": "Henter...",
"sLengthMenu": "Vis _MENU_ linjer",
"sZeroRecords": "Ingen linjer at vise",
"sInfo": "Viser _START_ til _END_ af _TOTAL_ linjer",
"sInfoEmpty": "Viser 0 til 0 af 0 linjer",
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtreret fra _MAX_ linjer)",
"sInfoPostFix": "",
"sSearch": "Søg i liste:",
"sUrl": "",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "Første",
"sPrevious": "Forrige",
"sNext": "Næste",
"sLast": "Sidste"
This file is loaded through AJAX like this:
$(document).ready( function () {
paging: true,
pageLength: 100,
lengthChange: false,
searching: true,
info: false,
order: [6, 'desc'],
language: {
url: "/dataTables.danish.lang"
} );
It results in 999 being sorted above 9.988
However, if I change the language
block to the following:
language: {
url: "/dataTables.danish.lang",
thousands: ".",
decimal: ","
Then the sorting works. This must mean that DataTables initially sorts the data using the default separators which is opposite (, for thousands, . for decimal) and then does not re-sort the data once the language file is loaded.
So my two questions are:
- In
, how can I manually trigger a re-parse of the DOM to enable the correct sorting? - Could it be a feature request for DataTables to do this automatically when
has been defined in a file, fetched bylanguage.url
Thank you for your time.
Has it all on sorting (more or less). Your number format is what most European countries have except for Switzerland and of course the UK.
Hi @andersolsen ,
This thread here might help too - it was recently discussing the same(ish) issue,