PDF Export Text and Print Button

PDF Export Text and Print Button

andrii.radkovskiiandrii.radkovskii Posts: 20Questions: 0Answers: 0

Hello, please help. How to add text to PDF Export?

And Button Print doesn't work. Why?



  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598

    Hi @andrii.radkovskii ,

    This example here should help. It shows how you can customise the PDFmake options.

    Other examples are on the forum (and StackOverflow) so it would be worth searching around for more if this doesn't help.



  • mgrajales815mgrajales815 Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0


    esto es lo que he logrado hasta el momento, espero les funcione:
    buttons: [
    {extend: 'pdfHtml5',
    title:' ',
    exportOptions: {

                                 columns: [ 1]//solo muestra la columna #...
                customize: function ( doc) {
                        var cols = [];
                        cols[0] = {text: 'Left part', alignment: 'left', margin:[20] };
                        cols[1] = {text: 'Right part', alignment: 'right', margin:[0,0,20] };
                        var objFooter = {};
                        objFooter['alignment'] = 'center';
                        objFooter['columns'] = cols;
                        doc.content.splice( 1, 0,{
                            table: {
          body: [
                                        [{rowSpan: 3, margin: [ 0, 0, 0, 2 ],
                                             alignment: 'center',
                                             image: '....',
                                             width: 50,
                                             height: 50},
                                                    {rowSpan: 3,text: "su texto",
                                                 fontSize: 9,
                                                 alignment: 'center'},{text: 'CÓDIGO',fontSize:7,  alignment: 'center'}, {text: 'MINREI-FR-#',fontSize:7,  colSpan: 3, alignment: 'center'}, {},{}],
                                        ['','', {text: 'VERSIÓN',fontSize:7, alignment: 'center'}, {text: '1',fontSize:7,  colSpan: 3, alignment: 'center'}, {},{}],
                                        ['','', {text: 'PÁGINA',fontSize:7, alignment: 'center'}, '1', {text: 'DE',fontSize:7, alignment: 'center'},'1']
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