BUG Responsive class display none is kept when reordering
BUG Responsive class display none is kept when reordering
I'm using responsive, colvis and colreorder with statesave
I'm having the following issue
See the jfiddle to reproduce
I have a lot of columns some are hidden by responsive
Hide some column with colvis till you see one of the column which is hidden by the responsive
based on the jsfiddle example let hide all except Role and Register date
-the result is ok in table and in statesave value
Let move one column register date in front of Role
so now we have Role, Register date and Tool
Now let show all hidden columns using colvis
the result is ok in table and in statesave value
so now we have Role, register date ( all other columns) and tool
refresh the page
the result in table is NOT OK the colunm Register date is now Hidden (have display none class)
the result is ok in statesave value (the column is visisble in statesave)
So this mean this column keep the class display none class from responsive
but the column have change position so the column display none class should be removed and it is not
I need an urgent quick fix for this.
Github issue for this which has some more discussion.