Need advice when XHR object is returned in response
Need advice when XHR object is returned in response
I developed a site that uses DataTable plugin (all of them load data using Ajax). This site has a user authentication mechanism.
What I need to accomplish is, when the datatable is refreshed (by mean of a sort, filter, etc.) and the session has expired, a custom message should be shown and then redirected to login page.
I have implemented this event handler:
tblCampos.on('xhr.dt', function (e, settings, json, xhr) {
where tblCampos is the datatable.
That works partially. When the user session has expired, a custom message is shown, but the dataTable also shows an alert telling that DataTable receives an invalid JSON response (actual messge is: "DataTables warning: table id=campos - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see"). How can I avoid that error message to be shown?
Hi @jstuardo ,
It would probably be easier to either
the table when the session has expired, or remove/hide the elements from the DOM. Would that work?Cheers,
Hello, i have finally used: $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'none'; because always the error is shown after the xhr.dt event, and even, the error is shown if I implement error.dt event.
So, the easiest way for me was to disable errors at all.