Datatable with In-line Editor Not Updating on Viewing - Modal

Datatable with In-line Editor Not Updating on Viewing - Modal

ShaneBrennanShaneBrennan Posts: 49Questions: 18Answers: 1

Hi Everyone

I have a screen for listing all tests taken for a specific building for a specific inspection... all working fine.

On "First Load" say I have the following info:

If I use the "Edit" button to view and update the data it works fine, and updates correctly:

All works swimmingly. I then introduced a modal with a datatable with in-line editor to enter the "LEG Sample Results" on mass - so when the samples come back from the lab.. everything can be entered at once without having to open each test seperately. That works Great - and updates the table above correctly..... However, on testing the screen.. I noticed a problem. The data shown is EXACTLY the same as when the form opened, it is NOT reflecting the 2 changes I've already made:

If I reload the page again the above form is filled with the new data - any changes I make using this summary modal is reflexted in the main list... but updating from the main list does not update this "Sample Results" screen.

when I click on the button to open the modal "Sample Results" screen the following function is called:

     $('#LEGresultsModal').on('', function () {
        var table = $('#example').DataTable();
        table.draw() ;


NB: The above code is the only way I could get the column widths working correctly - thanks to Allan's help on a previous forum post.

Full(ish) code is as follows:

      $.fn.dataTable.ext.legacy.ajax = true;

      $(document).ready(function() {
         editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
            ajax: "../server_side/scripts/ET_LEGresultsForProjectID.php?jobRef=<?=$jobRef?>",
            table: "#example",
            fields: [ { name: "tblLEGAssets.assetID" },
                      { name: "tblLEGAssets.theAssetOutletType" }, 
                      { name: "tblLEGAssets.osTypeOfSystem" }, 
                      { name: "tblLegAlgorithmTests.LPResults" },
                      { name: "tblLegAlgorithmTests.LPCFULevel" },
                      { name: "tblLegAlgorithmTests.LPLegType" },
                      { name: "tblLEGAssets.genOutletType"},
                      { name: "tblLegAlgorithmTests.lpSampleNo"}
            formOptions: {
               inline: {
                  onBlur: 'submit'
         } );
         var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
            dom: "Bfrtip",
            ajax: "../server_side/scripts/ET_LEGresultsForProjectID.php?jobRef=<?=$jobRef?>",
            iDisplayLength: 25,
            responsive: true,
            columns: [
               { data: "tblLEGAssets.assetID",  width:"10%"},
               { data: null, render: function ( data, type, row ) {  
//                      return data.tblLEGAssets.theAssetOutletType + ': ' + data.tblLEGAssets.osTypeOfSystem + ', ' + data.tblLEGAssets.genOutletType;
                  return [data.tblLEGAssets.theAssetOutletType, data.tblLEGAssets.osTypeOfSystem, data.tblLEGAssets.genOutletType].filter(Boolean).join(': ');
               }, width:"30%" },
               { data: "tblLegAlgorithmTests.lpSampleNo", className: "editable",  width:"10%"},
               { data: "tblLegAlgorithmTests.LPResults", className: "editable", width:"10%" } ,
               { data: "tblLegAlgorithmTests.LPCFULevel", className: "editable", width:"10%" },
               { data: "tblLegAlgorithmTests.LPLegType", className: "editable", width:"30%" } 

            columnDefs: [
               { orderable: true, className: 'reorder', targets: [0, 1, 2, 3] },
               { orderable: false, targets: '_all' }
            order: [ 1, 'asc' ],
            keys: {
               columns: ':not(:first-child)',
               keys: [ 7 ]
            select: {
               style:    'os',
               selector: 'td:first-child'
            buttons: [

         } ); 

         $('#example').on( 'click', 'tbody td.editable', function (e) {
              editor.inline( this );
          } );
         $('#LEGresultsModal').on('', function () {
            var table = $('#example').DataTable();
            table.draw() ;

      } );

Thanks in advance of any help you can give.


  • ShaneBrennanShaneBrennan Posts: 49Questions: 18Answers: 1

    PICNIC Error - Problem In Chair Not In Computer.

    Problem: "I want to reload the data from ajax back into table"

    Solution: tell the table to reload it's ajax data:

                var table = $('#example').DataTable();
                table.ajax.reload() ; 


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