jquery validate and ajax load

jquery validate and ajax load

artnovaartnova Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited June 2011 in Bug reports
I've encountered a problem / bug? when using a language file with datatables. Firebug gives me this error "b is null" c.clientWidth;p.body.removeChild(c);re...c=f.fnGetData(a.aoData[b]._aData))=== . when I remove jquery.validate.min.js and jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js everything works fine. I looked at the forum and found some messages where the solution should be to upgrade to the latest version of jquery validate. But when I upgrade to the latest version of jquery valditate en unobtrusive validate I still get the error. True firebug I can see that the json request is loaded successfully by a 200 OK status.
Is there another solution to this problem

After all, when removing the validate and validat unobtrusive i'm still getting the error "b is null". I validated my json true json lint and this tool gives "valid json". So i don't know where this error comes from, with minimum setup (out of the box) it works, when using a sUrl in oLanguage firebug throws an error.



  • artnovaartnova Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Problem Solved.
    Seemed that in another config file, an ajax setup was performed and this was interrupting the ajax call from datatables.
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