I am having problem to select row column for datatable excelhtml5

I am having problem to select row column for datatable excelhtml5

raslmania07raslmania07 Posts: 5Questions: 3Answers: 0
edited January 2019 in Free community support

I have searched with text in column C and applied style for selected column only with the following code:

$('row c[r^="B"]', sheet).each( function () {
                            // Get the value
                            if ( $('is t', this).text() == 'Category Total Pcs' || $('is t', this).text() == 'Category Value(std Price)' || $('is t', this).text() == 'Category Value(Vat Price * 15%)' || $('is t', this).text() == 'Category Value(Retail Price)' ) {
                                # $(this).attr( 's', '25' );

But i want to style full row of selected column result. Please help. And sorry for my bad English.

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