Server side-processing in Wordpress

Server side-processing in Wordpress

Thepaky91Thepaky91 Posts: 4Questions: 2Answers: 0

Hi guys,

I have a created a table using Datatables and a simple SELECT query from my Mysql database. I realized that for big amount of data, it's better to use server side-processing to speed-up the records upload.

How can I implement SELECT query using Datatable serve side-processing in Wordpress? I didn't find a lot of information on Internet.

I tryied some ways but without success and I don't have idea how to use it.

thak you in advance.



  • colincolin Posts: 15,207Questions: 1Answers: 2,592

    Hi @Thepaky91 ,

    You need to ensure the PHP script for the server-side processing (and therefore the MySQL database) is accessible from the WordPress server. We'll be release a blog post going over this in the next few days, so watch out for that,



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