Can you set the initial (and retain) the select box options

Can you set the initial (and retain) the select box options

saintpauliesaintpaulie Posts: 5Questions: 3Answers: 0


I've got a datatable that contains lists of clients and select boxes at the bottom to filter the table. When you click on one of the clients in the table it takes you through to other pages to input information and then returns you to the datatable (the whole page is reloaded). If a user uses the select boxed to filter the datatable, can we retain this information and set the filters when we reload the page with the table in?

I was thinking of using session storage to keep track of the filters that are used but I wasn't sure how to load the table and then set the select boxes.



  • colincolin Posts: 15,209Questions: 1Answers: 2,592

    Hi @saintpaulie ,

    You can add your own information to stateSave, as shown in this example here. You'll need to store, and then retrieve, the filter values in a similar manner.



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