Large data object parsing

Large data object parsing

photovorphotovor Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have a large data array in json that looks similar to this:

    "lease": {
              "1234" : {
                         "tenants" : {
                                   "1100" : {
                                                 person_name : "joe",
                                                 person_phone: "555-5555"
                                     "3450" : {
                                                 person_name : "mary",
                                                 person_phone: "555-5555"
               "5679" : {
                         "tenants" : {
                                    "1568" : {
                                                 person_name : "doug",
                                                 person_phone: "555-5555"
                                     "2563" : {
                                                 person_name : "beth",
                                                 person_phone: "555-5555"

Is there any way for me to set up a column renderer to return the person_name attributes, since I have a setup where they are nested with unique IDs?



  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 20,691Questions: 26Answers: 4,840

    Based on what I see above you don't have an array of objects. That is what Datatables needs for the row data, ie, each row would be one element in the array. Looks like you will need to rearrange the data into an array structure. This doc explains how the data should look:


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