Searching exact match on one column and leaving smart search enabled for the rest

Searching exact match on one column and leaving smart search enabled for the rest

radlo87radlo87 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0


I'm using server side processing to populate the datatable. I'm getting the data from database with th id column.
On that id column I would like to search by exact match but have smart search for the rest of the columns.

For example when I search for 39 I don't want the row listed below to be a match.

id   first-name last-name   role        institution                 age
1539 Nikodem    Zalewski    Uczestnik   Velit magnam nulla quia et. 19

Is there an easy solution to this?


  • colincolin Posts: 15,215Questions: 1Answers: 2,592

    Hi @radlo87 ,

    The demo server-side scripts don't support regex or smart searches, as it is expected the data set will be too large and this would cause a performance issue.

    If your data set isn't large, you could disable serverSide, and then the search would work. It really depends on how much data you have, or expect to have in the future.



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