Inital table data via ajax

Inital table data via ajax

bernhardbucherbernhardbucher Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

i am currently trying to initalize my table but i dont really get it. I want to make a ajax request to a Java Servlet and get a JSON in return. With this JSON i want to load my table and display it on a jsp page. I am currently returning this JSON:
{"data": [{"firstname": "Hugo","lastname": "Hinterseer"},{"firstname": "Franz","lastname": "Becker"}]}

Can someone provide me with a jquery function which takes this json from a Java Servlet and feeds a datatable? If there needs to be some specific HTML Code please tell me. I dont really get how this works with datatable EDITOR.
Stay tunded,


  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598

    Hi @bernhardbucher ,

    This example here should get you going - see the Ajax tab for the data. Are you planning on using Editor to update the table?



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