How to report using only 5 columns?

How to report using only 5 columns?

Ant6729Ant6729 Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0

Hello, DataTablers!

I have buttons and a table with edit and delete buttons in the 6 column

So, trying to get report in Excel I have like this

Name Position Office Age Salary
Tatyana Fitzpatrick Regional Director London 19 385750 Edit Delete
Shou Itou Regional Marketing Tokyo 20 163000 Edit Delete
Caesar Vance Pre-Sales Support New York 21 106450 Edit Delete

What I need to write in my code to have only

Name Position Office Age Salary
Tatyana Fitzpatrick Regional Director London 19 385750
Shou Itou Regional Marketing Tokyo 20 163000
Caesar Vance Pre-Sales Support New York 21 106450

<?php ???? ?>

My current code:

"ajax": {
"url": "/Employee/GetData",
"type": "GET",
"datatype": "json"
"columns": [
{ "data": "Name" },
{ "data": "Position" },
{ "data": "Office" },
{ "data": "Age" },
{ "data": "Salary" },
{"data":"EmployeeID" , "render" : function (data) {
return "<a class='btn btn-default btn-sm' onclick=PopupForm('@Url.Action("AddOrEdit","Employee")/" +
data + "')><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Edit</a><a class='btn btn-danger btn-sm' style='margin-left:5px' onclick=Delete(" +
data + ")><i class='fa fa-trash'></i> Delete</a>";
"orderable": false,


            "dom": "Bfrtip",
            "buttons": ['copy', 'excel','csv','pdf','print'],


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