Row reorder and input field in cell Not working

Row reorder and input field in cell Not working

ankita_rorankita_ror Posts: 5Questions: 3Answers: 0
edited April 2019 in Free community support

I am using Row reorder plugins and inline edit row (showing checkbox , input and dropdown in some cells).. I am using row reorder V1.2.5 my datatable configuration

$(function() {
  this.ordertable = $("[data-datatable='datatable-order']").DataTable({
    columnDefs: [
      { targets: 'no-sort', orderable: false },
    rowReorder: {
      update: true,
      selector: 'tr'
    paging: false,
    searching: false,
    info: false,
    orderable: false,
    destroy: true
  }).on('draw.dt', function ( e, diff, edit ) {
    $.each($('[data-datatable=datatable-order] tr td:first-child'),function(index,val){
      $(this).html("<i class='fas fa-arrows-alt-v mr-2'></i>"+(index+1));

Issue i am facing is when i am going to check the checkbox it start drag and drop.

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