How to extract record from json string to display in Jquery Datatable?

How to extract record from json string to display in Jquery Datatable?

tahirraza21tahirraza21 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I'm fetching client records from the database and after concatenating the model class properties(FirstName and LastName) I converted these records in JSON string. My goal is to display these records in Jquery Datatable. I observed at debugging, all these records are in a single string causing the error "Requested unknown parameter".

At first, I tried to return a simple JSON return method return
but it did not concatenate the model class properties.
Thus, I used
to convert all the details by passing ClientList object and now scratching my head how to use this JSON String in Jquery Datatable as all the records are in the following format :
[{\"Id\":1,\"FirstName\":\"abc\",\"LastName\":\"xyz\",\"FullName\":\"abc xyz\"},{\"Id\":2,\"FirstName\":\"qwe\",\"LastName\":\"rty\",\"FullName\":\"qwe rty\"}]

** Model:**
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string FullName
return FirstName + " " + LastName;

public ActionResult GetClientList()
var ClientList = _context.Clients.ToList();
//return Json(ClientList);
string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(clientList);
return Json(jsonData);

<script> $(document).ready(function () {$("#ClientTable").DataTable({"ajax": {"url": "/Client/GetClientList","type": "GET","datatype":"json","dataSrc": ""},"columns":[{ "data": "Id" },{ "data": "FullName" }]});}); </script>

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