PDF-Document with overwritten/overlapped elements for columns, which are "bvisible" off by standard
PDF-Document with overwritten/overlapped elements for columns, which are "bvisible" off by standard

If I export a pdf file with columns, which aren't visible by standard ("bVisible": false), but which should be displayed in the pdf-document ("mColumns": [ 2 ]), the script doesn't create a separate column and overwrite the including elements with an existing one. Take a look at this screenshot: http://picplz.com/B7sJ All scripts are on the newest (beta) version.
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I am having the same issue too when trying to copy to the clipboard or save to CSV/XLS/PDF using the ColVis extension to hide columns. I did some looking into it and if you change lines (using debug 2.0.1 RTW version - TableTools.js) 1384 and 1411 from:
[code]if ( aColumnsInc[i] )[/code]
[code]if ( aColumnsInc[i] && dt.aoColumns[i].bVisible )[/code]
and line 1452 from:
[code]if ( aColumnsInc[i] && dt.aoColumns[i].nTf !== null )[/code]
[code]if ( aColumnsInc[i] && dt.aoColumns[i].bVisible && dt.aoColumns[i].nTf !== null )[/code]
everything worked again for me as expected. Hope this helps!
Maybe a hint (and this could [?] disturb the process): I'm using an index number for the first column (0). http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/api/counter_column.html