Header does not aligning with body after container resizing
Header does not aligning with body after container resizing
I have a dataTable inside a div and I will refer to it as container. I have a sidebar on left and user can hide or show the sidebar. As default the sidebar is shown but as user hides the sidebar , container increases size (width ) and results in an increase of table body but not the header, cause it has a fixed width. How can I find a way to properly align header with body?
Below will paste some code:
"scrollY": '410',
"scrollX": true,
"destroy": true,
"order": [],
"autoWidth": true,
"paging": false,
"bInfo": false
As you notice header is another table , so just typing in css width:100%
of the table will indeed have the same size as the body table but columns will not be aligned with header.
What was your solution?
Calling systematically this function
As I don't have any informations about your code and what you want to achieve, it's up to you to decide where should the above code should be called