Load data in Ajax success

Load data in Ajax success

tungpnstungpns Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

Hi all,
I'm building up a table and with the initial loading of the page my data is loaded using pagination, but data is not show in table when I call ajax. Thanks

    var tblMaterials;
    $(document).ready(function () {
        tblMaterials = $('#tblFindItem').DataTable({
            serverSide: true,
            processing: true,
            ajax: {
                url: "/DemoPagination/AjaxGetJsonData",
                type: 'POST',
                contentType: 'application/json',
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: true
                data: function (d) {
                    d.ItemCode = $("#ItemCode").val();
                    d.ItemName = $("#ItemName").val();
                    return JSON.stringify(d);
                beforeSend: function () {
                    waitingBlockUI(); // show wating animation
                success: function () {
                    $.unblockUI(); // hidewating animation

                error: function () {
                    $.unblockUI();  // hidewating animation
            columns: [
                    title: 'Check',
                    render: function (data, type, item) {
                        var index = listItem.findIndex(x => x.ItemCode == item.ItemCode);
                        if (index > -1) {
                            return '<input id="' + item.ItemCode + '" data-id="' + item.ItemCode + '" data-name="' + item.ItemName + '" type="checkbox" class="chkSelectItem" name="chkSelectItem" checked/>';
                        else {
                            return '<input id="' + item.ItemCode + '" data-id="' + item.ItemCode + '" data-name="' + item.ItemName + '" type="checkbox" class="chkSelectItem" name="chkSelectItem"/>';
                    data: 'ItemCode',
                    title: 'ItemCode',
                    render: function (data, type, item) {
                        return item.ItemCode;
                    data: 'ItemName',
                    title: 'ItemName',
                    render: function (data, type, item) {
                        return '<input type="text" value="' + item.ItemName + '"/>';
                    className: 'w-100 py-0',

            language: {
                lengthMenu: "<div class='text-info' style='margin-left:10px'>Shows _MENU_ items</div>",
                zeroRecords: "No data !",
                info: "<div class='text-info' style='margin-left:10px'>Show from _START_ to _END_ </div><div  style='margin-left:10px' class='text-danger'> Total rows: _TOTAL_ row</div>",
                infoEmpty: "Empty, please load data with condition !",
                infoFiltered: "<div class='text-info' style='margin-left:10px'>(Filter from _MAX_ row)</div>",
                paginate: {
                    first: "First",
                    last: "Last",
                    next: "Next",
                    previous: "Previous"
                search: "Search all columns:"
            dom: '<"top"fB>rtl<"bottom"p><"clear">',//'Blfrtip',
            buttons: [

            //dom: '<"top"<"d-none d-md-block"l>f>rt<"bottom"ip><"clear">', //(l)ength (f)iltring (p)agination p(r)ocessing (t)able (i)nformation


  • colincolin Posts: 15,240Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    Hi @tungpns ,

    Can you give more information, please? Are you seeing errors on the console or in the browser? Can you also post the JSON being sent by the server, please.



  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,734Questions: 26Answers: 5,032

    The ajax docs state this:

    success - Must not be overridden as it is used internally in DataTables. To manipulate / transform the data returned by the server use ajax.dataSrc (above), or use ajax as a function (below).

    You will want to use the ajax.dataSrc option instead of the success function. If this doesn't help then please follow Colin's comments.


  • tungpnstungpns Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Hi Kevin, I fixed the error in your own way.
    Thanks Colin, Kelvin for help

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