When Server-Side-Processing: How to render Column Data ?

When Server-Side-Processing: How to render Column Data ?

mdesignmdesign Posts: 72Questions: 17Answers: 0

How can i render Columns Data, when using ssp-class ?

I tried to render the column Array, like i do within my editor Examples, but this doesn't work here.

var thisDataTable = $('table').DataTable( {
    ajax:     'ssp-script.php',

// (!) doesn't work here 
columns: [
    data:  null, 
    defaultContent: ''

    data: 'last_name',  
    className: '-text-left -text-bold' 

    data: 'first_name',  
    className: '-text-left -text-bold' 

    data: 'position',  
    className: '-text-left' 


  • mdesignmdesign Posts: 72Questions: 17Answers: 0
    edited July 2019

    and this is ssp-script.php

    $pdoCols = array(
      array('db' => 'id',         'dt' => 0, 'formatter' => function($d, $row) { return ''; /* leer lassen, CSS indexRow */ }),
      array('db' => 'last_name',  'dt' => 1),
      array('db' => 'first_name', 'dt' => 2),
      array('db' => 'position',   'dt' => 3),
    /* ------------------------------------------------------ *
      Datatable SSP Script  
     * ------------------------------------------------------ */
    require('-incl-datatable-ssp.php'); // (!) Datatable SSP Script
    $pdoConn     = array(
                    'host' => 'localhost', 
                    'user' => 'root', 
                    'db'   => 'db78286_9', 
                    'pass' => '');
    $pdoTabl     = 'datatables_demo';    /* Tabelle */
    $pdoKey1     = 'id';                 /* Primary Key */
    $pdoWhereRes = 'id > 10';            /* SSP:complex string WHERE condition to apply to result set */
    $pdoWhereAll = $pdoWhereRes;         /* SSP:complex string WHERE condition to apply to the all queries */
    print json_encode(SSP::fct_mycomplex(
      $pdoConn,     // array PDO connection
      $pdoTabl,     // string SQL table to query
      $pdoKey1,     // string Primary key of the table
      $pdoCols,     // array Column information array
      $pdoWhereRes, // string WHERE condition to apply to result set
      $pdoWhereAll  // string WHERE condition to apply to all queries (null = alle)

    Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.

  • colincolin Posts: 15,144Questions: 1Answers: 2,586

    Hi @mdesign ,

    but this doesn't work here.

    It should do, what's not happening? Isn't the class being applied to the cell? Would you be able to link to a page, and we can take a look.



  • mdesignmdesign Posts: 72Questions: 17Answers: 0

    i startet with your example for server_processing.php

    stops working, when i add columns[]

  • colincolin Posts: 15,144Questions: 1Answers: 2,586

    Hi @mdesign ,

    That's because that script is returning arrays of data, whereas you were trying to access it with objects. I've changed it so it's accessing the array here.



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