How to set PDO sslmode?

How to set PDO sslmode?

mowaxmowax Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0

I use datatables/editor with an external managed postgresql database. This database requires that i set sslmode to "require".

Usually i connect to the database like this:

$DATABASE_CONNECTION = new PDO('pgsql:host='.$SERVER_HOST.';port='.$SERVER_PORT.';dbname='.$DB_NAME.';user='.$SERVER_USER.';password='.$SERVER_PASSWORD.';sslmode='.$SSLMODE);

But i don't know how to set it with datatables/editor, because the $sql_details in the config file has no attribute 'sslmode' to set.
Should i set it somewhere in "pdoAttr"-array?

I tried to just add another attribute "sslmode" to the $sql_details-array.
Then i modified the connect function in PostgresQuery.php like that:

static function connect( $user, $pass='', $host='', $port='', $db='', $dsn='', $sslmode='' )
        if ( is_array( $user ) ) {
            $opts = $user;
            $user = $opts['user'];
            $pass = $opts['pass'];
            $port = $opts['port'];
            $host = $opts['host'];
            $db   = $opts['db'];
            $dsn  = isset( $opts['dsn'] ) ? $opts['dsn'] : '';
            $pdoAttr = isset( $opts['pdoAttr'] ) ? $opts['pdoAttr'] : array();

        if ( $port !== "" ) {
            $port = "port={$port};";

        try {

            $pdo = @new PDO(
                "pgsql:host={$host};{$port}dbname={$db}".self::dsnPostfix( $dsn ),
        } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            // If we can't establish a DB connection then we return a DataTables
            // error.
            echo json_encode( array(
                "error" => "An error occurred while connecting to the database ".
                    "'{$db}'. The error reported by the server was: ".$e->getMessage()
            ) );

        return $pdo;

But then it tells me:

<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: PDO::__construct() expects at most 4 parameters, 5 given in lib/Database/Driver/PostgresQuery.php:64

Line 64 is here line 26: $pdoAttr

I have not found where i can change the PDO-constructor parameters. Is this possible somehow?
Comming from c# - i'm not too familiar with php and databases (maybe as you can see), so any help would be much appreciated!


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