How can I update datatables data using the checkbox?

How can I update datatables data using the checkbox?

JiwonJiwon Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

I'm using Datatables in OctoberCMS and I want to update a particular field's data through checkboxes. I've found a example( and it's using a form but I don't know how to update datatables using a form.

Should I use a form and submit the checked data? If I do, how can I return the changed values into the datatables?

Is there no way to update values through the datatables api or function something?

php block and html

use Jiwon\Byapps\Models\AppsData;

function onStart()
    $this['tableName'] = 'BYAPPS_apps_data';
    $this['fields'] = "idx|app_id|app_name|app_ver|byapps_ver|app_process|script_popup|custom_etc|apps_type|start_time|end_time";
<table id="datalist" class="table table-striped mb-3" style="width:100%;">
                <th>app id</th>
                <th>app name</th>

javascript part

$(document).ready(function() { var tableId = "datalist"; var table = $('#' + tableId).DataTable({ processing: true, serverSide: true, ajax: { url: '/ajax?tb={{ tableName|raw() }}&fd={{ fields|raw() }}', type: 'GET', error: function(e) { console.log(e); } }, columnDefs: [ { 'targets': 0, 'checkboxes': { 'selectRow': true } } ], select: { 'style': 'multi' }, paging: true, pageLength: 50,

server-side php file

function onStart()
   $table = $_GET['tb'];
   $length = $_GET['length'];
   $start = $_GET['start'];
   $fields = explode("|", $_GET['fd']);
   $searchVar = $_GET['search']['value'];

   if ($searchVar != '') {
     $result = DB::table($table)
               ->where('app_name', 'like', '%'.$searchVar.'%')
               ->orWhere('app_id', 'like', '%'.$searchVar.'%')
               ->orderBy('idx', 'desc')
   } else {
     $result = DB::table($table)
               ->orderBy('idx', 'desc')

   $data = array();

   foreach($result as $row) {
      $sub_array = array();

      for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++) {

         if (strpos($fields[$i], 'time')) {
           $sub_array[] = gmdate("Y-m-d", $row->{$fields[$i]});
         } else if ($fields[$i] == 'app_process') {
           $arrProcess = [
               1 => 'ready', 2 => 'go', 3 => 'ing', 4 => 'denial',
               5 => 'retry', 6 => 'reexam', 7 => 'complete', 8 => 'stopped',
               9 => 'expired', 10 => 'valid'

           foreach ($arrProcess as $key=>$val) {
             if($row->{$fields[$i]} == $key) {
                $sub_array[] = $arrProcess[$key];
         } else if ($fields[$i] == 'script_popup') {
             if ($row->{$fields[$i]} == 'Y') {
               $sub_array[] = 'installed';
             } else {
               $sub_array[] = '-';
         } else if ($fields[$i] == 'custom_etc') {
            if ($row->{$fields[$i]} != '') {
              $sub_array[] .= $row->{$fields[$i]}." custom";
            } else {
              $sub_array[] = '-';
         } else {
            $sub_array[] = $row->{$fields[$i]};
      $data[] = $sub_array;

   $output = array(
     "draw" => intval($_GET['draw']),
     "recordsTotal" => DB::table($table)->count(),
     "recordsFiltered" => DB::table($table)->count(),
     "data" => $data,

   echo json_encode($output);


  • colincolin Posts: 15,163Questions: 1Answers: 2,588

    Hi @Jiwon ,

    Are you using Editor? This allows you to quickly setup editing on the client-side.



  • JiwonJiwon Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    @colin, Thank you for your answer.
    But I'm working this in the server-side.

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