How to import CSV file using DataTables Editor?

How to import CSV file using DataTables Editor?

sondhisondhi Posts: 8Questions: 3Answers: 0

In my DataTables editor project, I am using the following example to upload CSV file:

Unfortunately, it neither uploads the file nor shows any message!!
Does anyone know any working example of importing CSV file?



  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,154Questions: 26Answers: 4,919

    The example you linked to is working. You can use the Export CSV then import the file you just exported. You will add 57 records to the table for a total of 114.

    If you are using Bootstrap then maybe you are seeing the issue in this thread. If this does't help then we would need a link to your page or a test case replicating the issue to offer any suggestions.


  • sondhisondhi Posts: 8Questions: 3Answers: 0

    @kthorngren I am using Bootstrap 4 but the thread is related to Bootstrap 3

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,154Questions: 26Answers: 4,919

    @allan can confirm if the fix he provided will work with BS4. It replaces editor.bootstrap.min.js. Not sure what differences there are between editor.bootstrap.min.js and editor.bootstrap4.min.js for BS4. You can give it a try.


  • sondhisondhi Posts: 8Questions: 3Answers: 0
    edited August 2019


    I got the problem. When I select the file there should be a second popup/modal from where we can save data. But the second popup is not shown. When I block editor.bootstrap4.min.js, I can show the content of the second popup/modal and able to import (although not as a popup). This is a similar problem in the link you provide.

    @allan Can you tell me how can I fix that issue? I mean once to select a file how can I show the second popup/modal window?

    • Thanks
  • allanallan Posts: 63,179Questions: 1Answers: 10,410 Site admin

    Yes, I've applied fixes for both the Bootstrap 3 and 4 integrations for Editor. Both will be available as part of the 1.9.1 release of Editor which will be later this month.

    Until then, here is the updated Bootstrap 4 integration file for Editor:

    /*! Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Editor
     * ©2015 SpryMedia Ltd -
    (function( factory ){
        if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
            // AMD
            define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
                return factory( $, window, document );
            } );
        else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
            // CommonJS
            module.exports = function (root, $) {
                if ( ! root ) {
                    root = window;
                if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
                    $ = require('')(root, $).$;
                if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Editor ) {
                    require('')(root, $);
                return factory( $, root, root.document );
        else {
            // Browser
            factory( jQuery, window, document );
    }(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
    'use strict';
    var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
     * Set the default display controller to be our bootstrap control 
    DataTable.Editor.defaults.display = "bootstrap";
     * Alter the buttons that Editor adds to TableTools so they are suitable for bootstrap
    var i18nDefaults = DataTable.Editor.defaults.i18n;
    i18nDefaults.create.title = '<h5 class="modal-title">'+i18nDefaults.create.title+'</h5>';
    i18nDefaults.edit.title = '<h5 class="modal-title">'+i18nDefaults.edit.title+'</h5>';
    i18nDefaults.remove.title = '<h5 class="modal-title">'+i18nDefaults.remove.title+'</h5>';
    var tt = DataTable.TableTools;
    if ( tt ) {
        tt.BUTTONS.editor_create.formButtons[0].className = "btn btn-primary";
        tt.BUTTONS.editor_edit.formButtons[0].className = "btn btn-primary";
        tt.BUTTONS.editor_remove.formButtons[0].className = "btn btn-danger";
     * Change the default classes from Editor to be classes for Bootstrap
    $.extend( true, $.fn.dataTable.Editor.classes, {
        "header": {
            "wrapper": "DTE_Header modal-header"
        "body": {
            "wrapper": "DTE_Body modal-body"
        "footer": {
            "wrapper": "DTE_Footer modal-footer"
        "form": {
            "tag": "form-horizontal",
            "button": "btn",
            "buttonInternal": "btn btn-outline-secondary"
        "field": {
            "wrapper": "DTE_Field form-group row",
            "label":   "col-lg-4 col-form-label",
            "input":   "col-lg-8",
            "error":   "error is-invalid",
            "msg-labelInfo": "form-text text-secondary small",
            "msg-info":      "form-text text-secondary small",
            "msg-message":   "form-text text-secondary small",
            "msg-error":     "form-text text-danger small",
            "multiValue":    "card multi-value",
            "multiInfo":     "small",
            "multiRestore":  "card multi-restore"
    } );
    $.extend( true, DataTable.ext.buttons, {
        create: {
            formButtons: {
                className: 'btn-primary'
        edit: {
            formButtons: {
                className: 'btn-primary'
        remove: {
            formButtons: {
                className: 'btn-danger'
    } );
     * Bootstrap display controller - this is effectively a proxy to the Bootstrap
     * modal control.
    DataTable.Editor.display.bootstrap = $.extend( true, {}, DataTable.Editor.models.displayController, {
         * API methods
        "init": function ( dte ) {
            var conf = {
                content: $(
                    '<div class="modal fade DTED">'+
                        '<div class="modal-dialog">'+
                            '<div class="modal-content"/>'+
                close: $('<button class="close">&times;</div>')
                    .on('click', function () {
                shown: false,
                fullyShow: false
            $(document).on('click', 'div.modal', function (e) {
                if ( $('modal') && conf.shown ) {
            } );
            // Add `form-control` to required elements
            dte.on( 'displayOrder.dtebs', function ( e, display, action, form ) {
                $.each( dte.s.fields, function ( key, field ) {
                    $('input:not([type=checkbox]):not([type=radio]), select, textarea', field.node() )
                        .addClass( 'form-control' );
                } );
            } );
            dte._bootstrapDisplay = conf;
            return DataTable.Editor.display.bootstrap;
        "open": function ( dte, append, callback ) {
            var conf = dte._bootstrapDisplay;
            if ( conf._shown ) {
                // Modal already up, so just draw in the new content
                var content = conf.content.find('div.modal-content');
                content.append( append );
                if ( callback ) {
            conf.shown = true;
            conf.fullyDisplayed = false;
            var content = conf.content.find('div.modal-content');
            content.append( append );
            $('div.modal-header', append).append( conf.close );
                .one('', function () {
                    // Can only give elements focus when shown
                    if ( dte.s.setFocus ) {
                    conf.fullyDisplayed = true;
                    if ( callback ) {
                .one('hidden', function () {
                    conf.shown = false;
                .appendTo( 'body' )
                .modal( {
                    backdrop: "static",
                    keyboard: false
                } );
        "close": function ( dte, callback ) {
            var conf = dte._bootstrapDisplay;
            if ( !conf.shown ) {
                if ( callback ) {
            // Check if actually displayed or not before hiding. BS4 doesn't like `hide`
            // before it has been fully displayed
            if ( ! conf.fullyDisplayed ) {
                    .one('', function () {
                        conf.close( dte, callback );
                    } );
                .one( '', function () {
                } )
            conf.shown = false;
            conf.fullyDisplayed = false;
            if ( callback ) {
        node: function ( dte ) {
            return dte._bootstrapDisplay.content[0];
    } );
    return DataTable.Editor;


This discussion has been closed.