How to change text language in editor page ?

How to change text language in editor page ?

SebCollardSebCollard Posts: 8Questions: 4Answers: 0

Hello, my project is available in english and french, therefore I use language option to change the text in the desired language and I would like to change the text in editor but I don't know the name of the object that I need to change.

Option language I use :

language : {
    processing :     $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_Processing,
    search :         $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_search,
        lengthMenu :     $.Sms.trans.dictionary.table_lengthMenu,
        info :           $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_info,
        infoEmpty :      $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_infoEmpty,
        infoFiltered :   $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_infoFiltered,
        loadingRecords : $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_loadingRecords,
        zeroRecords :    $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_zeroRecords,
        emptyTable :     $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_emptyTable,
        paginate : {
        first :      $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_first,
        previous :   $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_previous,
        next :       $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_next,
        last :       $.Sm.trans.dictionary.table_last,


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