"Prevent default" issue with datatables

"Prevent default" issue with datatables

Marcel_PatulacciMarcel_Patulacci Posts: 6Questions: 3Answers: 0


On my web page, I have a table with a link in the last column. On click on a row, it's opening a div to show more data (like the example in the documentation). This link have "#" as href and I'm using event.preventDefault() to cancel his action.

On the first page, every link is working fine. But, when I switch on another page, event.preventDefault() is not working any more. If I get back to the first page, the problem disappears.

I have tried:
1. Disable DataTable: Every link is working.
2. Disable DataTable for 10 seconds: Every link is working until DataTable load and every page except the first one encounter the problem.
3. Changing page length from 25 to 9999: Every link is working.


<!-- Every row looks like this -->
    <td class="none">{$hosts[indexhost].id_host}</td>
    <td>{$hosts[indexhost].Chassis}Colonne inexistante</td>
    <td>{$hosts[indexhost].Jumelle}Plus tard</td>
    <td class="actions">
        <a class="reseau" href="#">Schéma réseau 
            <img src="templates/default/images/voir_plus.svg" alt="Schéma réseau" title="Schéma réseau"/>

JS - event.preventDefault():

$(".reseau").on("click", function (event) {

    row_data = open(network_container, $(this));

JS - Datatable init:

table = $("#tablecmdb").DataTable({
        dom: '<"top">rt<"bottom"ip><"clear">',
        autoWidth: false,
        paging: true,
        pagingType: "simple_numbers",
        //lengthMenu: [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, "chaque"]],
        pageLength: 25,
        searching: true,
        search: {regex: false, smart: true},
        //order: [1, "asc"],
        columnDefs: columnDefs,
        buttons: [
            text: "Tout ouvrir",
            titleAttr: "Affiche (beaucoup) plus d'information",
            action: function () { // Ouvre toute les lignes.

                table.rows().every(function () {
                    if ($("#options_body_buttons button:first-child").text() === "Tout ouvrir") {
                        $("#options_body_buttons button:first-child").html("Tout fermer");
                    } else {
                        $("#options_body_buttons button:first-child").html("Tout ouvrir");
            text: "Vider les filtres",
            titleAttr: "Réinitialise la table",
            action: function () { // Vide les barres de recherche.

                table.columns().every(function () {

                    $("input", this.header()).val("");
            text: "Copier",
            titleAttr: "Copier dans le presse-papier",
            extend: "copyHtml5",
            exportOptions: {
                columns: "th:not(.noExport)",
                modifier: {
                    page: "current"
                format: {
                    header: function (idx, html, node) {
                        return $("input", node).attr("placeholder");
            text: "Excel",
            titleAttr: "Convertir en XLSX",
            extend: "excelHtml5",
            exportOptions: {
                columns: "th:not(.noExport)",
                modifier: {
                    page: "current"
                format: {
                    header: function (idx, html, node) {
                        return $("input", node).attr("placeholder");
            text: "PDF",
            titleAttr: "Convertir en PDF",
            extend: "pdfHtml5",
            exportOptions: {
                columns: "th:not(.noExport)",
                modifier: {
                    page: "current"
                format: {
                    header: function (idx, html, node) {
                        return $("input", node).attr("placeholder");
            text: "CSV",
            titleAttr: "Convertir en CSV",
            extend: "csvHtml5",
            charset: "utf-8",
            bom: true,
            exportOptions: {
                columns: "th:not(.noExport)",
                modifier: {
                    page: "current"
                format: {
                    header: function (idx, html, node) {
                        return $("input", node).attr("placeholder");
            text: "Imprimer",
            titleAttr: "Imprimer toute la table",
            extend: "print",
            exportOptions: {
                columns: "th:not(.noExport)",
                modifier: {
                    page: "current"
                format: {
                    header: function (idx, html, node) {
                        return $("input", node).attr("placeholder");
            customize: function (win) {

                    "margin-left": "2vw"

                    "border-collapse": "collapse"
                $(win.document.body).find("table tbody tr td").css({
                    "padding": "1vh 1vw",
                    "border": "1px #000000 solid"

                $(win.document.body).find("table tbody tr td:first-child").css({
                    "background": "#3A3A3A",
                    "color": "#FDFFFC"
        language: {
            decimal: "",
            sEmptyTable: "Aucune donn&eacute;e disponible dans le tableau.",
            sInfo: "Affichage des &eacute;l&eacute;ments _START_ &agrave; _END_ sur _TOTAL_.",
            sInfoEmpty: "Affichage des &eacute;l&eacute;ments 0 &agrave; 0 sur 0.",
            sInfoFiltered: "(_TOTAL_/_MAX_ &eacute;l&eacute;ments affich&eacute;s)",
            sInfoPostFix: "",
            sProcessing: "Traitement en cours...",
            sLoadingRecords: "Chargement en cours...",
            sSearch: "",
            sSearchPlaceholder: "Rechercher dans toutes les colonnes:",
            sZeroRecords: "Aucun &eacute;l&eacute;ment &agrave; afficher.",
            sLengthMenu: "Afficher _MENU_ &eacute;l&eacute;ments.",
            oPaginate: {
                sFirst: "Premier",
                sPrevious: "Pr&eacute;c&eacute;dent",
                sNext: "Suivant",
                sLast: "Dernier"
            oAria: {
                sSortAscending: ": activer pour trier la colonne par ordre croissant.",
                sSortDescending: ": activer pour trier la colonne par ordre d&eacute;croissant."
            select: {
                    rows: {
                        _: "%d lignes séléctionnées.",
                        0: "Aucune ligne séléctionnée.",
                        1: "Une ligne séléctionnée."
            buttons: {
                copy: "Copier",
                copyTitle: "Ajout&eacute; au presse-papier.",
                copySuccess: {
                    1: "Copie d'une ligne dans le presse-papier.",
                    _: "Copie de %d lignes dans le presse-papier."
                copyKeys: "Appuyez sur <strong>Ctrl + C</strong> pour copier la table<br />dans le presse-papier.<br /><br />Pour annuler, cliquez sur ce message ou appuyez sur <strong>Echap</strong>."
        destroy: true,
        initComplete: function (settings, json) {
            var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(settings);

            if (features.datatables.extra_data) {addMoreData(api);}


I really don't understand the problem.
Hope you can help, thanks.


  • Marcel_PatulacciMarcel_Patulacci Posts: 6Questions: 3Answers: 0
    edited August 2019

    Wait a minute, I'm just stupid. I have added event.stopPropagation() and it's now working. I don't know why the problem didn't occur on the first page but the problem is solved.

    If an admin read this, maybe he can add "Answered" to the topic. I can't do that on my own comment.

    Sorry for that.

This discussion has been closed.