editor select 2 not open when click on the select box to show values

editor select 2 not open when click on the select box to show values

eyal_hbeyal_hb Posts: 98Questions: 31Answers: 0
edited August 2019 in Free community support

i try to work with select 2, i add all the files i need,
but when i try to click on the select box, it didnt open

this is my code

@{ Layout = ""; } <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/css/select2.min.css" /> <script src="~/js/jquery/editor.select2.js"></script> <script src="~/js/jquery/select2.min.js"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({ ajax:'@Url.Action("GetDataCruisesService", "Service")', table: "#example", fields: [ { label: "שם השירות:", name: "CruisesService.CruisesServiceName", type: "text" }, { label: "שם השייט:", name: "CruisesService.CruiseName", }, { label: "סוג השייט:", name: "CruisesService.CruiseType", type: "select", def: 1 }, { label: "שם החברה המבצעת:", name: "CruisesService.CruiseCompeny", }, { label: "משך השייט בימים", name: "CruisesService.CruiseLength", }, { label: "משך השייט בשעות:", name: "CruisesService.CruiseDurationHour", type: "select2", def: 1 }, { label: "נמל יציאה:", name: "CruisesService.StartPortName", }, { label: "נמל סיום:", name: "CruisesService.FinishPortName", }, { label: "חברה מבצעת:", name: "CruisesService.CruiseProvider", }, { label: "מדינות:", name: "CruisesService.CruiseState", }, { label: "סוג האוניה המבצעת את השייט:", name: "CruisesService.TypeShip", }, ], i18n: { create: { title: "הוספת שייט", submit: "שמור" }, edit: { title: "עדכון", submit: "עדכן" }, remove: { title: "מחיקה", submit: "מחק", confirm: { _: "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק?", 1: "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק?" } }, error: { system: "שגיאה, אנא נסו שנית" } } }); var table=$('#example').DataTable({ dom: "Bfrtip", ajax: '@Url.Action("GetDataCruisesService", "Service")', "language": { "processing": '<i class="fas fa-circle-notch fa-spin fa-2x fa-fw"></i><span class="loading">טוען...</span> ', "lengthMenu": "הצג _MENU_ פריטים", "zeroRecords": "לא נמצאו רשומות מתאימות", "emptyTable": "לא נמצאו רשומות מתאימות", "info": "_START_ עד _END_ מתוך _TOTAL_ רשומות", "infoEmpty": "0 עד 0 מתוך 0 רשומות", "infoFiltered": "(מסונן מסך _MAX_ רשומות)", "infoPostFix": "", "search": "חפש:", "url": "", "paginate": { "first": "ראשון", "previous": "קודם", "next": "הבא", "last": "אחרון" }, }, columns: [ { data: null, defaultContent: '', className: 'select-checkbox', orderable: false }, { data: "CruisesService.Service_id" }, { data: "CruisesService.CruisesServiceName" }, { data: "CruisesService.CruiseName" }, { data: "CruiseType.Name_Heb" }, { data: "CruisesService.CruiseCompeny" }, { data: "CruisesService.CruiseLength" }, { data: "CruiseDurationHour.CruiseDurationHour_Id" }, { data: "CruisesService.StartPortName" }, { data: "CruisesService.FinishPortName" }, { data: "CruisesService.CruiseProvider" }, { data: "CruisesService.CruiseState" }, { data: "CruisesService.TypeShip" }, ], select: { style: 'os', selector: 'td:first-child' }, buttons: [ { extend: "create", editor: editor,text:"חדש" }, { extend: "edit", editor: editor, text: "עריכה" }, { extend: "selected", text: 'שכפול שורה', className: "buttons-edit", action: function (e, dt, node, config) { // Start in edit mode, and then change to create editor .edit(table.rows({ selected: true }).indexes(), { title: 'שכפול שורה', buttons: 'שמירה', }) .mode('create'); } }, { extend: "remove", editor: editor, text: "מחיקה" } ] }); </script>


  • eyal_hbeyal_hb Posts: 98Questions: 31Answers: 0

    if i used inline edit, the select2 work but not submit the selected value like the select
    and in the edit/create popup it never open when i click the select box

  • allanallan Posts: 64,028Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    Can you link to a page showing the issue so I can help to debug it please? If that isn't possible, can you show me the JSON data that is being used to populate the table please?


  • eyal_hbeyal_hb Posts: 98Questions: 31Answers: 0

    i understand why it not working,because i use rtl bootstrap admin, its show the dropdown list behind the model of edit/create!
    if i used the ltr bootstrap admin its work, how can i make it work with the rtl bootsrap?

  • eyal_hbeyal_hb Posts: 98Questions: 31Answers: 0



  • colincolin Posts: 15,240Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    Hi @eyal_hb ,

    Would you be able to link to your page, please? It would debug this.



  • eyal_hbeyal_hb Posts: 98Questions: 31Answers: 0

    it works now, the problem was z-index, the bootstrap model z-index was bigger then the select list!
    i have another question, how i can insert a custom data to select2/select option
    i need to return value from 1 to 24, in server? view ?
    i try to sent viewBag in json format that contains select list item, but it now work

  • allanallan Posts: 64,028Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    Two options:

    1. Client-side: Use the options parameter of the Select2 field type. First example on this page.
      2.Server-side: Have the server return an options object when the DataTable is populated which contains the options for the field. The join example uses that approach and it will work for Select2 as well (or the radio and checkbox inputs which also use the same options).


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