Adding additional data to cell
Adding additional data to cell
I am trying to add a recordNo to cell to show additional data from server when the user clicks on the cell.
What i have done so far is (i am using SSP class)
- I managed to add a parameter to returned json named "recordNo" in addition to "data".
- "recordNo" has same structure as "data" but has record no instead of displayed text. I verified that in browser.
- I attached a click event to each cell : (createdRow) --> $('td', row).on('click', cellClick)
- in cell click : cell_table.cell( this )[0][0] --> then I get row and column indices.
- in cell click : i can also get the row.
My question is how to reach the "recordNo" ?
I looked into documentation
I found that cell_table.ajax.json() holds all json from server in last ajax.
Now I can get the record no.
Indeed you have good documentation, but people are lazy to read.