DataTable is not a function

DataTable is not a function

GeraDuronGeraDuron Posts: 8Questions: 3Answers: 0
edited September 2019 in Free community support

Whe have a question, this is my code

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    $(document).ready(function () {
            "processing": true, // control the processing indicator.
            "serverSide": true, // recommended to use serverSide when data is more than 10000 rows for performance reasons
            "info": true,   // control table information display field
            "stateSave": true,  //restore table state on page reload,
            "lengthMenu": [[-1, 2, 5, 1], [10, 20, 50, "All"]],
            // use the first inner array as the page length values and the second inner array as the displayed options
            "ajax": {
                "url":  '@Url.Action("Gestion","Gestiones")',
                "type": "GET",
            "columns": [
                { "data": "Prestamo", "orderable": true },
                { "data": "Nombre", "orderable": true },
                { "data": "Tel_Movil", "orderable": true },
                { "data": "Cuota_Venc", "orderable": true },
                { "data": "Dias Mora", "orderable": true },
                { "data": "Saldo_Act", "orderable": true },
                { "data": "Valor_Cuota", "orderable": true },
                { "data": "Fch_Ultimo_Pago", "orderable": true }
            "order": [[0, "asc"]]


<body class="cuerpo">

            <table class="display" id="presta">
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Telefono Movil")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Cuota Vencida")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Dias de Mora")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Saldo Actual")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Valor Cuota")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Fecha ultimo Pago")</th>

                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Telefono Movil")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Cuota Vencida")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Dias de Mora")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Saldo Actual")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Valor Cuota")</th>
                        <th>@Html.DisplayName("Fecha ultimo Pago")</th>

and in the console of the browser show this error.

Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395
    Answer ✓

    Does your HTML reference the javascript files for jQuery and DataTables (in that order)?

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