Editor datetime not set to the displayFormat when opening in Edit mode

Editor datetime not set to the displayFormat when opening in Edit mode

jbtaxjbtax Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited December 2019 in Free community support

I have a table that has two dates on it, FROM and TO. When I set the displayFormat the formatting is not properly set on the load of an edit for a record (see FROM field). Upon selecting a date from the DatePicker (see TO field), it does show up correctly. See here:

The code for loading the editor is here:

        pricesTableEditor = new $.fn.DataTable.Editor({
            ajax: pricesTableUrlUpdate,
            table: "#tblSeminarPrices",
            idSrc: "Id",
            fields: [
                { label: "Seminar Price Id:", name: "Id", type: "display" },
                    label: "Seminar Id:", name: "FkIdSeminar",
                    type: "display",
                    def: function () {
                        return pricesTableSeminarIdToCreateFor;
                    label: "From:", name: "PriceFrom",
                    type: "datetime",
                    displayFormat: "YYYY-MM-DD",
                    fieldInfo: 'This will be set to the START of the selected day.',
                    def: function () { return new Date(); },
                    label: "To:", name: "PriceTo",
                    type: "datetime",
                    displayFormat: 'M/D/YYYY',
                    fieldInfo: 'This will be set to the END of the selected day.',
                    def: function () { return new Date(); },
                    label: "PriceFull:", name: "PriceFull",
                    type: "text",
                    fieldInfo: "This should be in the XYZ.XX format."
                    label: "PriceMulti:", name: "PriceMulti",
                    type: "text",
                    fieldInfo: "This should be in the XYZ.XX format."
                    label: "AllowMulti:", name: "AllowMulti",
                    type: "checkbox",
                    separator: "",
                    options: [{ label: '', value: true }],
                    unselectedValue: false,
                    fieldInfo: "Check to allow multi-discount with this pricing."
            formOptions: {}

(And yes, I know the FROM and TO date formats are different, I was trying different things to make it work.)

The ajax data that comes from the database (postgresql) is this:

    "data": [
            "Id": 4379,
            "FkIdSeminar": 4881,
            "PriceFrom": "2019-04-01T00:00:00",
            "PriceTo": "2019-12-31T00:00:00",
            "PriceFull": 65.0,
            "PriceMulti": 40.0,
            "AllowMulti": true

What do I need to do to get the dates to show correctly on a Load?

Here is a JSBin to show the problem...



  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    You can use the options wireFormat and displayFormat from datetime for that - see here.


  • christian_norpachristian_norpa Posts: 5Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Is there any way to set this generally for one editor instance or even better all editors?
    In DB based applications you typically have the same format for all date/datetime fields and it would be great not to have this set for each single fied in the defs.

    Thanks, Christian

  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    Unfortunately not, this is a field level property so would need to be defined for each one.


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