Saving the edited records to the database when using serverside processing and codeIgniter
Saving the edited records to the database when using serverside processing and codeIgniter

when I was working with datatables, I was able to use server side processing and read data from the database and show it in datatables. I am using codeigniter MVC framework and ignitedatatables. But I have some issues with saving the data back from the datatables rows to server. currently I have few rows with checkboxes selected for these rows in the datatable. what I am trying to do is , to send data for the selected rows , to the server when I click a save button outside the datatable. I think I would be able to get the rows selected with fnGetnodes, but not sure how and where in the code to do that ajax call which will post these rows to a controller ( eg: home/savedata) and then referesh the datatable with updated data. I did check editable datatables ( but they currently have no support for multiple rows. would appreciate if someone can help me with this issue. Thanks in advance
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