Select2 dropdown changes after navigating between pages

Select2 dropdown changes after navigating between pages

Mylo0001Mylo0001 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0


I am using select2 for the datatables_length dropdown.
When I first open the page, or reload it, everything works perfectly. When I go to another page on my project, and come back to the initial page, the one with the select2 on it, the select 2 layout changes and the datatables_length isn't displayed on the same line anymore and the dropdown is divided in half.

When Opening the pages or on reload:

After switching between pages:

Code for datatables and setting the datatables_length:

function initTable() {
        var dt = $('#table').DataTable({
            dom: "lBfrtip",
            "preDrawCallback": function(oSettings) {

                $(".dataTables_length select").select2({
                    minimumResultsForSearch: -1,
                    width: '40%'
            "initComplete": function(settings, json) {
                    "float": "right"

The problem may be similar to the one posted here:

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you in advance!

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