Access numbers indicating currently displayed rows
Access numbers indicating currently displayed rows

I am looking for a way to access what rows are currently displayed (to eventually export only them with pdf button or similar) when using scrollCollapse and scroller or scrollY. When using scrollY alone I have not found a way to do so. But when we use scroller, it calculates what rows are currently displayed and displays that information in the table info. So, I am currently using this to solve my problem, but it is rather ugly and seems to be more of a workaround because I could not find the api to access that information.
I built a jsfiddle for demonstration purposes:
If you were to activate the pdf button, it will only download the currently displayed rows.
But as I said I would rather have a different way of accessing the table info displaying what rows are shown. I thought I could do so using using the api with fields start and end, but it seems these are numbers for the start and end of loaded data?
You can use
for that,page: 'current'
, see example here.Colin
Some time passed since I last checked this forum. Sorry for the delay.
I looked over your example and as I understand it, it only solves the case where we use normal pagination. It does not work for the case where we use scrolling.
I incorporated it in the fiddle from the above post as shown here
The idea is to only export the entries shown in the view of the scrolling window.
That is correct, we currently don't provide any way to limiting selection of rows to just those that are in the visible viewport of a scrolling table.