How to send back-end null instead of empty string for field with no value ?
How to send back-end null instead of empty string for field with no value ?

When I create a new entry letting some no mandatory fields empty, the fields have the value '' (empty string) in the body of the request sent to back-end.
I would like these fields to have null value instead of empty string.
Current values :
Expected values :
I tried to use :
defaultContent : null for columns
def : null for fields
But the situation remained the same.
Have you got any clue to help me fix this situation?
Thank you !
Is this sending back traffic caused by Editor updates? Or is something else going on? Please could you give more information, and if possible link to your page.
It is not related with Editor updates as we always used the same version (the latest one).
Unfortunately, I cannot share the page with you because of restrictions.
What is the default behaviour when a field is not filled ? (blank string or null value ?)
Ah no, I meant are you updating the data with Editor? Or are you using your own mechanism?