Character escape on sql, on side server
Character escape on sql, on side server
I am having some problems with the following query, because the quoted formats take them as field names. id_periodo is a field in the table. How should I escape the quotes?
$QUERY = 'UPDATE table_tbl SET fecha = :fecha_aux, fecha_fin = to_char(to_timestamp(:fecha_aux, "yyyymmddHH24MISS") + (id_periodo || " month")::interval , "yyyymmddHH24MISS") WHERE id = :id_aux';
->bind( ':id_aux', $id_aux )
->bind( ':fecha_aux', $fecha_aux )
->exec( $QUERY );
I solved it by swapping single and double quotes.
Also, I included a second parameter for the same field (:fecha_aux2).
$QUERY = "UPDATE table_tbl SET fecha = :fecha_aux, fecha_fin = to_char(to_timestamp(:fecha_aux2, 'yyyymmddHH24MISS') + (id_periodo || ' month')::interval , 'yyyymmddHH24MISS') WHERE id = :id_aux";
->bind( ':id_aux', $id_aux )
->bind( ':fecha_aux', $fecha_aux )
->bind( ':fecha_aux2', $fecha_aux )
->exec( $QUERY );