Language files

Language files

kolklikkolklik Posts: 8Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited August 2011 in General

I've recently begun using for a large corporate project.

The website is based on 4.0 with C#
The problem we/I am facing is the language part of datatables.

as its a global project we would very much like to utilize our extensive library of translations,
by using our custom made translation tool.

The problem is that, when i try to change the language used by by a file,
It wont render.

below is code for both initializing the table,
aswell as the code we are trying to use for the language file.

"oLanguage": {
"sUrl": "/Scripts/DataTablesLanguageFile.aspx"

Quite simple!

'sProcessing': '<%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Please_wait", "Please wait..", "t2_", "")%>',
'sLengthMenu': '<%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Items_per_page", "Items per page", "t2_", "")%> _MENU_',
'sZeroRecords': '<%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("No_data_was_found", "No data was found", "t2_", "")%>',
'sInfo': '_START_ <%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("to", "to", "t2_", "")%> _END_ <%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("of", "of", "t2_", "")%> _TOTAL_',
'sInfoEmpty': '0 <%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("to", "to", "t2_", "")%> 0 <%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("of", "of", "t2_", "")%> 0',
'sInfoFiltered': '(<%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("filtered", "filtered", "t2_", "")%> <%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("of", "of", "t2_", "")%> _MAX_)',
'sInfoPostFix': '',
'sSearch': '<%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Search", "Search", "t2_", "")%>',
'sUrl': '',
'oPaginate': {
'sFirst': '<%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("First", "First", "t2_", "")%>',
'sPrevious': '<%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Previous", "Previous", "t2_", "")%>',
'sNext': '<%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Next", "Next", "t2_", "")%>',
'sLast': '<%=Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Last", "Last", "t2_", "")%>'

The problem would seem to be not being much for using anything beside "" to enclose the parameters and their value.
thus, using '' does not work
( Tested this by downloading the de_DE.txt from the live demo: )

Is there anyway around this?

A possible fix could be to do it like this:

"oLanguage": {
"sLengthMenu": "Display _MENU_ records per page",
"sZeroRecords": "Nothing found - sorry",
"sInfo": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ records",
"sInfoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 records",
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total records)"
however, we would very much like not to, if at all possible!


A fellow developer in need! :)


  • allanallan Posts: 64,032Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin
    The JSON your program is generator is not valid - which is by it isn't working. JSON returns the key / values to use double quotes, not single quotes as you have. This is part of the JSON spec rather than something DataTables defines: :-).

    A work around is to replace the JSON loader DataTables uses to use eval() (since what you have is valid Javascript), but that sounds a bit messy.

  • kolklikkolklik Posts: 8Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited August 2011
    Hello Allan

    Its pure server calls
    (<%= %>) to the code behind.

    its rendered as this:
    { 'sProcessing': 'Please wait..', 'sLengthMenu': 'Items per page _MENU_', 'sZeroRecords': 'No data was found', 'sInfo': '_START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_', 'sInfoEmpty': '0 to 0 of 0', 'sInfoFiltered': '(filtered of _MAX_)', 'sInfoPostFix': '', 'sSearch': 'Search', 'sUrl': '', 'oPaginate': { 'sFirst': 'First', 'sPrevious': 'Previous', 'sNext': 'Next', 'sLast': 'Last' } }

    however, i might have figured out a way around it which involves building the structure on the server,
    then writing it out.

    The idea of building it server side worked.

    <%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="DataTableHandler" %>
    using System;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    public class DataTableHandler : IHttpHandler

    public bool IsReusable
    get { return true; }

    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
    HttpRequest req = context.Request;
    HttpResponse res = context.Response;
    object output = new object();

    switch (req["methodName"])

    case "LoadLanguage":
    Method_LoadLanguage(out output, req, res);

    private void Method_LoadLanguage(out object output, HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res)
    System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
    sb.Append("\"sProcessing\":\"" + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Please_wait", "Please wait..", "t2_", "") + "\",");
    sb.Append("\"sLengthMenu\":\"_MENU_ " + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Items_per_page", "Items per page", "t2_", "") + "\",");
    sb.Append("\"sZeroRecords\":\"" + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("No_data_was_found", "No data was found", "t2_", "") + "\",");
    sb.Append("\"sInfo\":\"_START_ " + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("to", "to", "t2_", "") + "_END_ " + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("of", "of", "t2_", "") + " _TOTAL_\",");
    sb.Append("\"sInfoEmpty\":\"0 " + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("to", "to", "t2_", "") + " 0 " + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("of", "of", "t2_", "") + " 0\",");

    sb.Append("\"sInfoFiltered\":\"(" + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("filtered", "filtered", "t2_", "") + " " + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("of", "of", "t2_", "") + " _MAX_)\",");
    sb.Append("\"sSearch\":\"" + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Search", "Search", "t2_", "") + "\",");
    sb.Append("\"sFirst\":\"" + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("First", "First", "t2_", "") + "\",");
    sb.Append("\"sPrevious\":\"" + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Previous", "Previous", "t2_", "") + "\",");
    sb.Append("\"sNext\":\"" + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Next", "Next", "t2_", "") + "\",");
    sb.Append("\"sLast\":\"" + Framework.Core.Language.Translate("Last", "Last", "t2_", "") + "\"");
    output = sb.ToString();

    A simple c# handler.ashx with a function to output the language.

    "oLanguage": {
    "sUrl": "/ClientHandlers/DataTableHandler.ashx?methodName=LoadLanguage"
This discussion has been closed.